Here is the list of the posts related to the BA1 assignment, published until now (Saturday, 20) in the blog. If there is any incorrection, please comment about it.
G01: "Dynamic & Flux of Edios"
G02: "Complex Geometries and Our Body"
G03: "Complex Geometries, Different Technologies"
G04: "Complex Geometry: TheVeryMany"
G05: "Gaudi: Nature Complexity"
G06: "Complex Geometry: Reinventing the Paradigm"
G07: "How has Gehry’s Architecture Evolved in the IAC Building?"
G08: missing
G09: "Swarm Intelligence / Architecture"
G10: "Complex Geometry – Geometry of the Void"
G11: "Variable Dynamic Spaces"
G12: "Performative Architecture as Complex Geometry in 4D"
G13: "Computing Complexity"
G14: "Complex Geometry, Algorithmic Computation, and Neri Oxman"
G15: "Artifitial Trees"
G16: >> There is no title <<
G17: "The form of the inFORmation age"
G18: "The New Museum of Nuragic and Contemporary Art"
October 20, 2007
BA1:List of Posts
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, Seminar Work
October 19, 2007
swarm intelligence/architecture
Swarm Intelligence
Swarm Intelligence (SI) is an Artificial Intelligence technique involving the study of collective behaviour in decentralized systems.
Such systems are made up by a population of simple agents interacting locally with one other and with their environment. Although there is typically no centralized control dictating the behaviour of the agents, local interactions among the agents often cause a global pattern to emerge. Examples of systems like this can be found in nature, including ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding, honey bees, bacteria, and many more.
In contrast to the top-down organization that characterizes many human endeavors, many social species achieve their communal goals using a purely bottom-up approach with no central command-and-control structure.
Swarm technology is proving useful in a wide range of applications including robotics and nanotechnology, molecular biology and medicine, traffic and crowd control, military tactics, and even interactive art. (Particle Swarm Optimization and Ant Colony Optimization)
SI models have many features in common with Evolutionary Algorithms.

Craig Reynolds first compiled the classic flocking algorithm in 1986 in a project simulating the way that birds and other flocking, herding, and schooling animals behave. He called his computer- simulated agents Boids-a contraction of birds and droids. The basic flocking model consists of three simple steering behaviors which describe how an individual boid maneuvers based on the positions and velocities its nearby flockmates:
separation diagram - separation: steer to avoid crowding local flockmates
alignment diagram
cohesion diagram
Swarm Architecture
The complexity in our cities is the human interaction, this can be related with the interaction of thousands of different species in the nature. Swarm architecture feeds on data derived from social transactions. Swarm architecture is a true transarchitecture since it builds new transaction spaces, which are at the same time emotive, transactive, interactive and collaborative.
When we look at an urban environment from the point of view of Swarm Architecture we no longer see isolated objects, instead we see objects which have a relation with each other. Swarm-based urban planning is an intriguing and very dynamic design game. It is really challenging for the designer to find the rules that generate excitement in the cities.
G09 Alessio Carta / Vagia Pandou / Krystian Kwiecinski
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vagia pandou
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G09
The FORM of the inFORMation age.
these freely – formed bodies demand from all involved a new approach to working one that departs radically from the old-on-stone production method.
Posted by
vikrant sharma
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G17
Complex Geometry, Algorithmic Computation, and Neri Oxman
A leading idea of experimental architecture, and possibly a future characteristic of the field, is the idea of agent based modelling. This is the dynamic computed demonstration of actions, such as human habits or traffic patterns. Projects, evolving from such mapping, can be seen as a systematic whole from multiple perspectives, and a pattern of relationships can be developed based upon the model or program created by the architect. Custom made digital machines are being created to follow parametric design in a more precise and dynamic fashion.
Where precision and objectivity formlise fluidity in form, and enable collating (scanning), computing and creating (physically) data, digital media also allow for editing options and mutations in the evolution process itself. In this respect, where modernism reflected on the idea of refusing superficiality, digital technologies facilitate inclusion of every modifying parameter, hence ushering in a new paradigm of design more complex and yet accurate. Recent overlaps & cross overs in modes of knowledge, aim to derive new meanings from composite understandings, hence expanding the domain of digital technology.
A culmination of ideologies in architecture can lead to programs which demonstrate the true complexity of a project’s situation in an aesthetically pleasing manifestation. Writing individual scripts with respect to a project, instead of using a program for every project, creates individual solutions, most of which result in a fluid, complex geometric result.
Examples of this type of work can be seen with Neri Oxman (MIT), mentioned in the Neal Leach lecture from October 11th. Much of her work with materialecology demonstrates the idea of using algorithms and computer programs to progress the idea of architecture.
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G14
In October 1956 Le Corbusier's sketches for the pavillion were entrusted to Iannis Xenakis, who was charged to translate them through mathematics. At the time Xenakis was working in his musical composition “Metastasis” which itself was strongly influenced by Le Corbusier's proportional scale arising out of the Fibonacci series and its association with the golden section.He transformed the graphical musical sketches of Metastasis into architectural schemes for designing the shape of Philips Pavilion .He made this through techniques, often exalted by the use of the computer, that associated the graphic construction (to compose as in writing a score) with the sonorous performance (to compose as in producing a sonorous result).The structure was a series of conjoined hyperbolic parabaloids-curved planes mathematically generated entirely from straight lines. The development of this idea into architectural form passed through a compositional process in which it is difficult to say if the mathematical structure precedes or proceeds from the architectural image.
“With the aid of electronic computers the composer becomes a sort of pilot ... sailing in the space of sound, across sonic constellations and galaxies ..." Iannis Xenakis
“For the time being only cement lies at the origin of the new architecture. It prepares the bed in which the plastic materials of tomorrow will form a river rich in forms and volumes, figures that are found not only in the biological entities but above all in the most abstract mathematics.”
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G16
The New Museum of Nuragic and Contemporary Art
The project that we have decided to choose is the “Nuragic and
The new museum is like a coralline concretion, empty inside, hard and porous in the external surface, able to accommodate, in a continuous osmotic exchange with the external atmosphere, all the cultural activities in a lively and changing environment.
The building reconfigures an entire stretch of the seafront at
The circulation of the visitors models the internal space; that erosion forms a great cavity inside the building and articulates the volume in a succession of open space for exhibition, place of aggregation and occasion for installation of contemporary art.
The flows of the circulation, the contemporary and Nuragic exhibition and the public path crossing the building, create the fluid structure of the volume, allowing a variety of uses and configurations. The vertical and oblique elements of circulation create also zones of interference and turbulence, that form a visual continuity between the different part of the building.
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G18
Artificial Trees-3.8
Greg Lynn's processes use complex natural morphologies and geometries to inform and mutate the architecture and spatial dynamic.
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-3.7
The duality between natural and artificial is no longer useful to understand the way of producing knowledge in our world. Instead of this, Enric Ruiz Geli´s proposals hybridize both categories to generate a non-artificial but also non-natural tree by using digital tools. The aim is to reach the advantages of natural and artificial matter by scripting instead of using metaphor as an argument.
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ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-3.6
Complex Systems are those in which you cannot understand the information of each component by having a look at the whole stuff because each part contains additional hidden information that cannot be understood at first sight. Adaptive ones are able to react just to fit if the initial conditions change, so that Complex Adaptive Systems seems to be a very nice choice to develop projects.
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-3.5
Create your own ‘Digital tree’ by typing our URL in the box exists in the link
‘Tree’ is a translation program that reads algorithm and turn it into an artificial tree.
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-3.4
Toyo Ito’s work is Tod’s building at Aoyama, Japan uses tree translations. The building facades are the ‘Elm tree’ silhouettes as a metaphor reflection of the existing trees on well-known Omotesando Avenue where it locates.
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-3.3
Shape is not only a matter of design but also the result of acquiring meaning and establishing suitable relationships between parameters to organize properly the information. In this sense, scripting means a very powerful way to generate shape.
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ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-3.2
‘L-systems’ is a system of mathematics that allows botanists, mathematicians and other professionals to formulate an understanding of natural (and repeating) geometries. Through Mandelbrot natural thing contain a mathematical logic. This logic can be applied to creating digital trees, enhanced through computational processes. Could this approach be applied to architecture?
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
performative architecture as complex geometry in 4d
There are several emergent phenomena that make some designers and artists think about responsive environments which leads to a dynamics design process and prevents architecture to be always static. One of them is certainly the introduction of complex geometries both in design and manufacture process. There is a shift in the design process towards environments that are in fact more than responsive. From the participatory society there seems to appear a growing demand for collaborative strategies in spatial organization.
"Performative architecture", as defined by Kas Oosterhuis is yet at an early stage of developement, but the concept itself brings in enormous possibilities. Those are for the complex geometries constantly evolving in 4d.
Kas Oosterhuis is developing the research on programmable buildings both in professional and academic carrer. ONL studio and Hyperbody Research Group work collaboratively on projects like Muscle NSA. The design was exhibited in Paris at "Non-standard architectures" exhibition at Centre Pompidou.
Muscle NSA is not just a responsive system, but a pro-active one. Kas Oosterhuis describes it as "the prototype for an environment that is slightly out of control", meaning, that the goal of the instalation is to develop a "individual character" of the Muscle. ONL programmed the Muscle in a way that it doesn't neccesearly answers to the changing conditions in the same manner. It is said to have a "will of it's own". The "will" is obtained by the use of E-motive scripts, which analyze not only the input from potential users but also output generated by itself. The script that drives the actual spatial behaviour is therefore informed in real time by two sources, thanks to which it becames a negotiation between the spatial behaviour of the users and predefined behaviours scripted into the Muscle.The Aegis Hyposurface was designed by deCOi Architects and received the Feidad (Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design) Award 2001. It is interactive, dynamically reconfigrable 3D screen reacts in real time to surrounding. The Prototype consist out of about 1000 of these metal tiles. They are moved by “telescopic fingers” which reach a speed up to 60 km/h. This project continues to research at MIT’s Media Lab, announce fully kinetic and environmentally responsive architectural surfaces, responding to changes in for example climate.
G12: Akriti Sood, Monika Szawioła, Michał Piasecki
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G12
Artificial Trees-3.1
Mandelbrot created mathematical equations to provide define seemingly complex and random natural geometries. Through computational processes to produce a larger scale of patterning, Architects using L-Systems aim to look beyond the boundaries of literal representation of trees.
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
Artificial Trees-2.1
scripting__________ NEC__________Mandelbrot ______________
___________mathematical patterns_________________ toyo ito
___________________________Greg Lynn
complex adaptive systems ___________________digital trees
_____________artificial trees
_____________________________Eric Ruiz-Geli________
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
Complex Geometry: Theverymany
The potentials of the human mind are unlimited.
They have been proved through the centuries by the progress we humans have made in science.
The time has come though, that one of mans creations can actually produce the complex calculations men would need centuries to carry out. Computer science has managed to bring non-Euclidian geometries close to each one of us, and to make their use a part of our everyday life.
And of course, the more our tools expand, the more our thought flies towards the unknown and incomprehensible.
That’s exactly the way complex mathematic sequences and calculations have entered the contemporary fields of architecture. The progress of computers has allowed us to approach forms that some years ago seemed unbelievable to design. We can now produce a form from algorithmic sequences and we can actually create them. The human mind and hand is now merely the coordinator of the whole process that is carried out through specialized software. Thus, architects are asked to think in a different way, always using their digital tools from the very beginning of the concept.
Were this process is going to lead, we don’t know. Is there an end to it all, we cannot answer. All we can do is to learn the tools as well as possible, so as to control them better on the one hand, and to be able to use their potentials on the other hand.
“combinational processes”
Putting different input in one code or even the same input at different times can give us totally different outcomes
The person who programs the whole thing is supposed to have the actual control of things, but not even him can imagine the whole range of results.
Of course it demands huge software power for these procedures to be carried out. As computation proceeds and becomes more complex, technology must follow-or vice versa.
This we believe is not only the future of architecture but of complex systems in general. This will be seen in geometries, physics, mechanics and of course structural dynamics. This site is mostly an experimental system of working in which geometries and scripts are presented and offered to be improved upon and used theoretically.
G04 Erik Thorson / Georgia Voudouri / Nazli ILgit Yucel
Visual Complexity:
Posted by
nazli ozseker
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G04
complex geometry - geometry of the void
A term “complex geometry” is usually treated as a developed, sophisticated and parametric system, useful in creating new objects. In architecture it is generally related to physical structures and used as a good design tool. However, much more stimulating can be perceiving the same geometry as a void around us. Changing stereotypic point of view and looking at the same things in a different way, not through matter but inmatter, not through mass but through space in between, can open new possibilities and bring us new experience.
It seems to be necessary to use the same geometric system to describe both mass and void. We have to treat matter as well as inmater as complex structure. As well in mathematics as in philosophy we can find a lot of proves that there is no difference between them. For instance, Paradox of Zenon brings us another point of view, claiming that we can’t be sure if anything like physical being exists. That is why we should think about a void exactly like about the physical objects. We are supposed to measure it, to divide it, to explore it in the same way as we usually do with places strictly arranged by matter.
It allows us to discover new spaces, generate any kind of geometry, play with the whole surrounding, and with all the natural sources. For example in the void we can try to find new spaces generated only by the sun and shadow, noise and silence, by different smells. The only anxiety for architecture is to amplify feeling of that kind of space; to characterize it and to describe it extremely precisely. In this kind of geometry it is very hard to define spaces for people without any deceive obstructions.
In this way void can offer much more complicated and complex geometry, to be arranged without using any physical barriers, pure geometry.
G10 - Agata Kycia, Magda Osinska, Krzysztof Gornicki
Some sites with philophy, maths and new architecture, which devolop this subject's_paradoxes
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G10
BA1: Announcement
Welcome to all the groups whose articles are already posted in the blog! Let's encourage the other teams to post their works until tomorrow night!
See all of you next monday - 4pm.
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Labels: Seminar Work
Complex Geometry: Reinventing the Paradigm
With ‘mobius house’(torus house) the use of complex terminology started, the research going on for decades and the constant flux of digital information continuously tries to reinvent the logic between architecture and geometry. For some time after venturi’s complexity & contradiction in architecture architects tried to establish an analogy between complexity in program and its manifestation into architectural form. The advent of digital technologies (cad-cam) supported the process. Lot of conceptual models developed (blobs etc.)New terminologies evolved eventually like kinetics, supple, pliant etc.
Some architects used this to produce functional concepts. A new aesthetic of digitally manufactured spaces can be seen today .however architect like koolhaas uses it rarely.
Is FOA’s Yokohama Port Terminal a complex geometry? Is it complex just because we are not used to this kind of surfaces? Will we still consider it complexity when we see it in 2050, when maybe we all will know how to manage this kind of geometry with the help of better computer software? Is it more complex than some Venturi’s buildings or OMA’s Universal project just because our difficulty on drawing it on a paper? Is Ben van Berkel’s Moebius House complex because of its geometry or because of its program? What is complexity in geometry? Does geometry’s complexity depend on our ignorance about new technologies? Aren’t more interesting the shapes that follow complex programs than the free surfaces that respond only to a free game?
Maybe we are in the middle of a process, but something is happen in the new proposals of architecture. The fight between architectural process and architectural easthetic (form), come by the creation of new materials, lenguage, software, etc… and this is a dilema that with the time we will know for the final answers. The complexity of the shape is not new and the programs of the buildings are changing with the new needs of the people. There is the true; the competitibity and the demanding world are creating this kind of development in design and technologies.
To finish this, we can’t forgot that the function and the concept of one project and the column of the architecture. And if in the process during the time we lost this, we will lost, in my way of think, the meaning of being architects
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G06
October 18, 2007
computing complexity
“vertical structure is overrated … it’ s just an expeditious way for architects to calculate force, to just calculate it in reference to a vertical column… A building should communicate in a more dynamic way in order to react to the people moving within it.”[1]
Until now, architects have understood movement as the travel of a moving eye in space and architecture, in both its realization and its conception, has been understood as static, fixed, ideal and inert. In architecture motion, dynamics and flows are typically expressed through symbolic views of static forms. Buildings have been constructed as static forms, and architecture has been conceived and designed based on symmetry and immobility.
Greg Lynn FORM, is one of the first architectural offices that integrated the computer in its design process in an increasingly innovative manner and has produced projects that challenge traditional design methods. Computer programs are the tools to investigate the design through animations and the moving section, and to represent the project both in 2D and 3D.The office views the incorporation of state of the art hardware and software as a set of tools to investigate architectural performance within the framework of theories based on performance parameters that are only now being theorized in architecture.
“Organic design is not just a style” Lynn says. “Design, architecture and life will continue to become more and more biological, not merely biomorphic. I look forward to the software that lets us design not just the shape but also the growth and behaviour of animate matter. Designers and architects will continue to proliferate as there is more and more need for design, as we get access to more matter through genetic and biological innovations.”[2]
Posted by
Andrea Katsavra
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G13
October 17, 2007
Gaudi: Nature Complexity
Gaudi constantly used nature as his main inspiration; we can see it in the structures, colors and rhythms. The comparisons with animals and vegetables, the constant movement of its shapes, are present in his mature works. He looked how nature defies gravity, study its nature; the shapes of the cove or a mountain, how animals build their shelter and how they structured society. His perceptions about details made him produce unique pieces in the History of Architecture.
Posted by
Bianny Poueriet
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G05
October 16, 2007
Complex Geometries and our body
Posted by
Vasco Portugal
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G02
October 15, 2007
These are the groups created for the assignments. Please check if yours is in the list. If not, please send me an email as soon as possible!
G01 Maite Bravo / Javier Olmeda / Luis Odiaga
G02 Vasco Portugal / Francisca Aroso / Marcelo de la Riva
G03 Pete Booth / Javier Perez / Jurgen Weiss
G04 Erik Thorson / Georgia Voudouri / Nazli LLgit Yucel
G05 Diego Camaro / Ki Hoon / Bianny Jasmin Poueriet
G06 Jordi Roses / Advait Potnis /Rafael Gutierrez
G07 Eugenio Adame / Mariana PAz / Rodrigo Avila
G08 Annie Goyal / Renu Gupta / Uday Ranjan Goswami
G09 Alessio Carta / Vagia Pandou / Krystian Kwiecinski
G10 Agata Kycia / Magda Osinska / Krzysztof Gomicki
G11 Asaduzzaman Rassel / Ramon Velazquez / Maria Papaloizou
G12 Monika Szawiola / Akriti Sood / Michal Piasecki
G13 Andrea Katsavra / Maria Eftychi / Higinio Llames
G14 Hermant Purohit / Dorota Kabala / Alex Harris
G15 Ben Howard / Eduardo Mayo / Peerabong Suntinanond
G16 Evangelia Vlachopoulou / Ismini Koronidi / Giorgos Machairas
G17 Rohan Khurana / Gabriel / Verrena Volger / Vikrant Sharma
G18 Stefania Sini / Michele Congiu / Anastasia Fragkoudi / Gabriele Pileri
Note: After sending me the names of the persons in the group, an email will be sent to you informing that you are allowed to publish in the blog. Eventually you will have to sign-up for a google account (free) with your email and a selected password. Then, by log-in into the blog's address, you may publish and edit your posts. Good posting!
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Labels: Seminar Work
October 14, 2007
Complex Geometries, Different Technologies
Complex geometries in architecture may seem like an invention of the digital age, but for many years architects have been designing and constructing buildings that contain significant complex elements. Gaudi’s Sagrada Familiar demonstrates that complex forms could be created as early as 1882. Utzon’s world heritage listed Sydney Opera House, 1957 – 1973, is one of the most significant examples of organic architecture before the use of computers. Gehry’s Vitra Design Museum in 1990 eluded to the fluid forms that he wanted to create, but was unable calculate or realise, even with the very basic computational resources available to architects at the time.
As more developed countries become more capable of using complex geometries as an effective way to produce built structures. Developing countries are finding it harder to produce and reap the benefits of CAD and CAM technologies, due to the overall difficulty to adapt culturally to relying on machines and fear of the high costs these types of strategies can imply. An example of how this type of technology was mixed with a manual fabrication of space was with a student at IAAC drawing countless number of plans to be able to produce a design made digitally (center images, Contemporary Urban- Chris Lee Architects).
A catalyst of this type of technology would greatly benefit the social housing and customization of the built environment in either poverty stricken areas or even refugee camps. The Instant House proves to be an interesting take on the ongoing problem of housing in a limited time frame. Its use of prefabricated elements mixed with digitally modified and fabricated ones; make it a good example of the direction where this type of technology could be utilized in the third world.
In many ways, architecture as it enters the 21th Century, stands at a cusp. The development of new technologies of design and construction combined with the introduction of revolutionary new building materials means that many of the utopic dreams of the mid-20th Century dismissed then as fantasies can now be realised. Architects can design, and build, ever more complex forms, new typologies of buildings, radical structures.
In the last years, we can see the new buildings which are built by architects like NOX, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas and Herzog de Meuron which show us the next step of architecture. Now we can see the first future visions which are designed make such a big step into the future. The most of them are just in the moment only concepts which are published in the internet, but we can be sure some of them will be built.
New territories, Welcome to the future, Building ideas, Fluent bodies, fluent times, fluent places, Omnispace,
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Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G03