BA2 was launched yesterday. All the groups have to submit a post on the dualistic theme of "(re)inventing materiality", until the 2nd of November (Friday). Remember that labels for the post are "BA2: (re)inventing materiality" + "your group number".
October 23, 2007
RESEARCH PAPER: Abstract - 13th of November
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Labels: Research Paper, Seminar Work
1. Description
Today, current state of digital technologies demonstrate that computers can interfere in almost all aspects/dimensions of the architectural discipline. As a result, there's a wide variety of topics that can be studied from the point of view of the digital, in fields like:
• design processes;
• construction and fabrication;
• sustainability;
• material development;
• monographic studies;
• building practices;
• architectural theory;
• design themes; - (...)
In this context, the completion of the Seminar is achieved by writing an original research paper on a specific theme, related with the integration of digital technologies in architecture. This final work consists in an opportunity to develop a more in-depth research on a specific subject that might interest you as a group. Each paper should make evidence about the particular interference of digital technologies in the selected research topic. Historical references, case-studies research, comparitive analysis, specialists' opinions, direct contact with the sources... are some of the procedures/techniques that you should follow to address and frame your essay.
2. Presentation
This essay should have a length of 3000 words (without counting bibliographic references, footnotes, etc), and must be conveniently illustrated with images. The development of this work must be presented to the instructor, who will discuss with you its evolution.
Until the 5th of November, each group must submitt in the blog an abstract of their paper, by filling the online form. This abstract will be reviewed to help the further development of the full paper.
For the final review, you will submit your paper in 2 ways:
• full version as a written document, following the formatting guidelines;
• short version as an illustrated post in the blog, that will serve as the basis for a 5 minute group presentation to the class, in the review day.
3. Calendar
• October, 22
_CLASS: Introduction to the Research Paper Work
• November, 2 (friday)
_CLASS: Discussion with the groups
• November, 11
_DEADLINE: Submission of Abstracts
• November, 19
_CLASS: Discussion with the groups
• December, 3
_CLASS: Discussion with the groups
• December,17
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Labels: Research Paper, Seminar Work
BA2: (Re)Inventing Materiality - ETFE (Tefzel): Beijing & beyond
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: G15
October 22, 2007
Computing in digital architecture
Design as a process requires not just the conception and development of design ideas at an individual level, but also the more important aspect of communication and effective expression. Computing has developed a domain where in such reproduction can be made extremely precise or rather ‘super’ precise (beyond reality). CAD tools are increasing their expressive and geometric power to enable a design process in which the computer model can be used throughout the whole design process for realizing the design.
The computer-aided design of buildings is concerned with the creation of three-dimensional objects in space. Two-dimensional drawings are inadequate in fully conveying the conceptual ideas of spatial arrangements. 3-D physical models and virtual prototypes at various scales and levels are important which allow spatial experience and analysis.
Relying on computer generating techniques, we can also obtain multiple architectural manifestations in terms of form, space, structure and materials. Parametric design hence continues to optimize performance of architecture within a more expansive social-economic system. For architectural design, in a time when standard geometric forms almost have been used up by masters, the emergency of computer generating techniques enhance the architects' creative imagination ability and expedite the design process.
The “Kunsthaus Graz” designed by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier, characterized geometrically by its blob-like form is a non-Euclidean object such that cannot be designed and represented by means of conventional plans, sections and elevations. The form of the building has more to do with the ‘strength of the inevitable’, than with aesthetic rhetoric. The development of the form did not arise out of the definition of algorithms and computational methods that automate the generation of architectural form alone, but automated generative approach was the direction for its moving. 3-D models were generated for different aspects such as structure, cladding systems, ventilation and development of the material. The development of an enclosure without recognizable roofs, walls and floors depended on the manipulation of digital 3-D surfaces. The Kunsthaus Graz was designed through a process of deformation of a digital model of a sphere.
Just as with the sketches, physical models are vehicles for developing and assessing design proposals. The role of physical modeling is significant in the evolution of design and as a medium of human interaction. Digital technology has reached a level of embeddedness in architecture at which it is possible and feasible for designers to express design intentions directly without being distracted from the project.
Posted by
Annie Goyal
Labels: BA1: Complex Geometries, G08