December 17, 2007

Ubiquitus Culture in Architecture

This paper describes the idea of ubiquitous computing and particularly its applications in architecture through different examples that explores these applications in different scales. After following many steps computing nowadays is escaping from the conditions of a single object,( the p.c) to expand in physical space, in our environment. The concept of post-desktop models together with human-computer interaction is what Mark Weiser called "The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing"the era that we have already entered. Starting from the scale of a single floor or a façade, we then analyse one of the first architectural examples of interaction the Kunsthaus to finish with the description of the u- city(u=ubiquitous)in the city of Incheron (South Corea) one of the latest and few examples of this notion that is already under construction.After checking the different systems that these examples are using we introduce three reconsiderations that emerge from the tendency of ubiquity: the notion of “situations”as developed in architecture after the first definition that the situationists implied, the idea of memory in the frame of new type of storing information in the buildings and the notion of controlling systems and privacy especially when referring to a whole city.

Keywords: ubiquitous computing, interaction, controlling system, interactive surface, Kaunsthaus, u-city, memory

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