Draft outline and Progress
The argument of building sustainability could be simply defined as the act of producing buildings that can be maintained in their environments indefinitely. The various studies produced as a result of the visible signs that are highlighting stains that the increases in human population and energy consumption are placing on the environment. The visible effects (global warming and increased natural disasters said to be attributed to global warming), resulting global research and political summits, discussions and agreements, suggest that sustainability should be central to future architectural strategies. It is not the intention of this research to outline those discussions or pass judgment on aims of governments, developments or architects in their achievement (or not) of sustainable goals. Discussions about new forms of architecture must however consider sustainability as integral to proposed processes, theories and strategies, for them to be applicable to future. This paper attempts to search for new approaches to sustainability utilizing more dynamic approaches to the environment.
How sustainability is achieved in current approaches to sustainable design is however somewhere between science and intuitive knowledge. It could be argued that technological systems holds the greatest potential for 'bridging' this gap and creating buildings that are more intelligent and responsive to their environments. Intelligent facade systems (such as Jean Nouvel's Arab Institute, Sir Norman Foster's Reichstag museum) achieve a basic level of interactivity between building and environment, but only on a basic 'single interface' level. There is a programmed input (track the sun) and single output (move to block the sun). In terms of the complexity of interface systems, these examples are simple and do not allow for any future adaptability, interaction between whole, parts, other systems and .
• Auto-Organisation
• Auto-Reproduction (genetic re-coding)
Key Examples
• Kas Oosterhuis
Kas Oosterhuis understands architecture projects as hyperbodies in terms of communication and responsive actions, so that he defines swarm architecture as the one that is feed on data generated by social transactions. This kind of architecture could be understood as a hive mind of new transformation economy and also has the capability to react in real time. For Oostehuis architecture becomes the science of fluid dynamic structures and environments running in real time. He tries to come up with researching projects that explore practical possibilities by using parametric and genetic design principles to build real and physical inhabitance. This collaborative work based on parametric and associative tools makes buildings pro-active hyperbodies shaped as prototypes for fluid and dynamic structures to achieve environments in real time. Auto-organization by establishing feedback relationships between people and buildings is one idea that seems to be in Kas work. Nonetheless the auto-re-production and self-sufficiency in terms of sustainability is something missing in his buildings. In our opinion linking both auto-organization and auto-re-production would be a right choice to generate CADMAS (Complex Adaptive Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems) that can be used to figured out some sustainable and responsive strategies to build contemporary inhabitance.
• Embedded Systems or Ubiquitous Computing
• MIT Media Lab
(Other definitions of Hyperbodies)
(The goal of what we are researching here)
To combine the ideas of CAS, Auto reproducing and organizational systems, that can be seen in the work of Kas Oosterhuis and other architects, but focusing on new ways of producing sustainable solutions (of program and usage) rather than simple bio-climatic systems.
December 2, 2007
HYPERBODIES: Complex Adaptive Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems (CADMAS) as Self-Sufficient Sustainable Environments of Inhabitance (SS SEI)
Posted by
ben howard
Labels: BA:4 On The Research Paper, G15
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