December 2, 2007


DTA Group 01 Javier Olmeda, Maite Bravo, Luis Odiaga



1. WHAT: [Objective of research] Can architects able to use novel (innovative) ways of dealing with digital interfaces in order to explore space with such intuitive approach?

2. WHY: Conception and development of innovative design processes interfaces.

3. FOR WHOM: Architects, artists, digital tech, people dealing with responsive environments.

4. HOW: [Methodology]

a. Study of REACT table as the development process to identify needs, processes and solutions.
i. Interview with creators (if possible);
ii. Explanation of REACT table in terms of structure, functionality, complexity;
iii. Experiential interaction with table to understand processes and to gain insight on creative/individual input.

b. Research of 3 projects that incorporate tangibles as method of design to identify:
i. Inputs/outputs to determine variables: Logic.
ii. Systems of combinations: Media.
iii. Outputs: Final reaction/effect.

Projects suggested:
a. Reaction pollution
b. Enric Ruiz (Cloud 9) IM Museum
c. ????
d. Electronics/Technology: Interview to Victor Vina to identify;
i. sensors available to be used in architecture,
ii. amount of energy required,
iii. input/outputs.

5. WHEN: Digital era today.

6. Conclusion:

a. Interactivity, re-contextualize in actual terms; era of consume- becomes productive, society of service- not products. Architecture as multi-sensorial experience? Will digital media be able to modify concepts of spaces? Open doors to acknowledge human experiences (sound, light) and energy efficiencies/interactivity with the natural world?

b. End of architecture as we understand it, disappearance as an activity, transforming into modifiable surfaces and platforms of design; cut/paste architect; master-builder as organizer of processes and delegates; architect will orchestrate several layers of information/ fields with a general knowledge (NOT specific driven).

c. CONS; Reliability on technology ignores/ left out, utopian ideal that technology can solve problems of humanity; will it change quality of life? Pride on human knowledge and technology? Will robotics, genetics, etc resolve .GOD-like humans? Can tech produce better architecture? Sustainability of programmable surfaces, Dialogue between logic/intuition driven? Emotional side of architecture?

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